I've always been impressed by wheelies.
I've never been much good at them myself but where I come from, Forres a small town in the NE of Scotland, they are high status stunts. The holiest wheelie is one that basically covers the entire length of the High Street, starting somewhere near the old folks home, wobbling past the church, steady past the market cross, the Smokers Shop, Lido cafe and the Tolbooth before cruising past the co-op, the butchers, both bakers, Miele's chip shop, the community centre and library before a front wheel touchdown alongside the ghastly Britain in Bloom floral beds by the park. A wild ride indeed, pulling a wheelie, poppin' up by on your potent hog - humpy bosque like. Never could do it myself, never had the guts to even try. But I am most impressed with those that do. I'd imagine the same story plays out in all small towns absolutely everywhere - certainly we can be pretty sure that Grantown on Spey, a town not more than 25 miles from where I grew up, has its pantheon of wheelie greats. Top of the pile presumably must be freeman of the town Craig MacLean. I recently stumbled across the below footage of him riding a velodrome in Japan (I believe he spent a year there doing keirin school) - check him out 3 minutes into the clip...
Having seen this clip I find it hard to believe that the excellent MacLean, an Olympian, a World Champion, and the man whom Grantown's new leisure centre is named has not previously been Grantown's wheelie champion pulling a mighty wheelie the length of the High Street.
Craig Hardy is another scot who excells on one wheel, here he is crossing the finish line of the 2008 Sam Robinson RR poppin a skilly one hander after a tough 85 miles of Trossachs racing.
But I'll sign off this missive with the guy who is also at the top of the page, the champ, Robbie MacEwan. Here is a man who had the flash and nerve to cross the finish line of a Tour stage up the Alpe d'Huez pulling a huge one. Respect, veneration, applause etc.

Listening to: The Cookies - 'foolish little girl'
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